Discount Codes
2025 Discount Codes, Promo Codes & Coupons:
Shop with promo codes, coupon codes and discount codes at Loyalty Vibes. Our select discounts are open to the public to use.
Cannot be combined with any other offers:
- Sign-up promo code: 10% Off your first order
- For first time subscribers, only.
Promo Codes For: Students, Military, Seniors, Medical Personnel, Firefighters, Law Enforcement, Members & Non-Members:
- SAVE10 - 10% off for Members & Non-Members.
- STU25 - 10% off for Students, only.
- 10MIL - 10% off for Military, only.
- 10FIRF - 10% off for Firefighters, only.
- 10MEDI - 10% off for Medical, only
- BLUE10 - 10% off for Law Enforcement, only.
- VET10 - 10% off for Veterans, only.
- SEN10 - 10% off for Seniors, only.
- GIMME10 - 10% OFF entire order
- LV10 - 10% OFF entire order
- FLEX15 - 15% OFF Minimum purchase of $150+
- FLEX20 - 20% OFF Minimum purchase of $200+
- FLEX25 - 25% OFF Minimum purchase of $250+
- LUCKY10 - 10% OFF entire order
Email and Text Codes for Members Only:
Receive additional promo codes and discounts when you're subscribed as a member or join our email list or text club.
Must be subscribed to email or text to receive promo codes below:
- Specialty Codes
- 75% Off
- 50% Off
- 35% Off
- 2 For $20
- B3GO
- BOGO 50% OFF
- B2GO
- Free Shipping
- Free Gear & Merch
We accept all major credit cards, ShopPay, GooglePay, ApplePay and Paypal payments to protect you and your information. We offer great prices, deals and sales online on our website. We bring you even bigger savings and offers with super steep discounts and special coupon codes to subscribed members. Each sale and coupon will have specific terms and time limits.
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Get in touch and let us know how we can help. Have a question but aren’t sure who to contact? Get in touch and a member of our team will reach out to you.